About Me

My name is Brittany Scott and I work with network marketers who are frustrated with the lack of guidance from their uplines about lead generation and want to be coached on creating businesses that practically run on autopilot.

Unlike most network marketer coaches, I like to help my team members identify their unique differentiators which can set them apart in the network marketing world, while rooted in the digital marketing fundamentals of the industry’s most successful influencers. 

Brittany’s Business Story

I was like you feeling frustrated and stuck in my business. I would have some months where I would have huge sales and then the next zip nada nothing. Using the old network marketing strategies, I could not build a sustainable business that generated a reliable income. 

As a result, I was always tied to my device trying to make sales. I was missing out on my life and more importantly my son’s milestone moments. 

I now build my business using cutting edge digital marketing strategies that actually work. I have systems in place that attract prospects and customers to me. I now have a sustainable business that allows me to have the life I want and never miss a moment with my son.

I work with my team to help them discover what makes them unique and how to bring that to the world. You are so much more than just a parent or life partner. When you can tap into who you truly are, you will break away from the crowds and attract your tribe. 

No home parties, cold calling, or hotel meetings required.

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